Titration in Cannabis Medicine - CBD or THC Dosages

July 07, 2023
A guide to cannabis dosages to help optimise the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids.
Maximize benefit and minimize risk in using ayurvedic cannabis medicine through titration and a cannabis dosage guide. The common direction by cannabis doctors is to ‘start low and go slow’. Start by microdosing cannabis and increase the dosage gradually to find what’s best for you.
Understanding Dosages
What is titration? If you or someone you care for have recently been prescribed cannabinoid medicine you’ve likely been introduced to the concept of titration. This might have been done through a cannabis dosage guide, or by your doctor providing dosage instructions that are perhaps a little more complicated than usual, considering cannabis tolerance is a little more complicated than usual.
Formulation |
Indications |
Initial Dose |
Titration Increment |
Cannabis Oil ‘001’ |
Pain Inflammation |
15 drops |
10 drops |
This is because the effects of an “optimal cannabis dose” in medicine can vary from person to person regardless of age, weight, gender, or many of the other factors that are typically relied upon to establish standardized dosages. Even a cannabis tolerance break can impact cannabis tolerance. It is also important to note that cannabinoid medicine is biphasic in nature. Meaning that you can potentially experience the opposite effects from a low dose than you might from a high dose.
What is Titration?
Let’s now look at the question we started with, what is titration? Titration is the process of starting a medication at a low dose and gradually increasing the dosage potency or ‘up-titrating’ until the maximum therapeutic benefit is achieved according to your cannabis tolerance, while attempting to prevent or minimize the onset of any side effects and finding the optimal cannabis dose. By allowing a substance to slowly build up within your system, by microdosing cannabis for example, you can allow your body to acclimate while safely testing your initial reactions. The common rhyme amongst cannabinoid medicine health care providers is to ‘start low and go slow,’ or to borrow from another old cliché, ‘it’s a marathon not a sprint.’
To look further into what titration is, titration is certainly not exclusive to cannabis and is common among many other medications and over the counter supplements. However, titration is not often associated with cannabis amongst the general public, as the black market has given cannabis the stereotype of being an ‘instant reward’ type of product, and not something typically viewed as being taken gradually over long periods of time, making microdosing cannabis uncommon in the masses.
Antibiotics |
Anticoagulants |
Anticonvulsants |
Antidepressants |
Antidiabetics |
Antipsychotics |
Opioids |
Sedatives |
Stimulants |
At the time of your consultation, your doctor and/or educator may have provided you with a straight forward cannabis dosage guide similar to the one pictured above in order to maximize your success by not over complicating the process in terms of understanding your cannabis tolerance. However, depending on the types of medications you have taken previously and the level of personalization within your treatment plan, you may instead have been provided with a more complex titration schedule outlining the different steps for each day of your initial course of treatment, perhaps even including a cannabis tolerance break.
Time of Day |
Formulation |
DAY 1 |
DAY 2 |
DAY 3 |
DAY 4 |
DAY 5 |
DAY 6 |
DAY 7 |
Morning |
Cannabis Oil ‘001’ |
8 drops |
8 drops |
12 drops |
12 drops |
16 drops |
16 drops |
20 drops |
Afternoon |
Cannabis Oil ‘002’ |
8 drops |
8 drops |
12 drops |
12 drops |
16 drops |
16 drops |
20 drops |
Night |
Cannabis Oil ‘003’ |
8 drops |
8 drops |
12 drops |
12 drops |
16 drops |
16 drops |
20 drops |
Dosage is very individualized with cannabis medicine, and when taking the care to increase dosage incrementally, you can both find the optimal cannabis dose for you to achieve maximum therapeutic effect, and reduce any wastage or unnecessary overconsumption leading to a high cannabis tolerance. This process can additionally allow you to more accurately predict your refill schedule needs, which will help simplify things when it comes time to schedule a follow-up appointment with your doctor.

In order to begin your cannabis medicine journey today, book an appointment now with the Savikalpa Virtual Clinic for an online doctor consultation, or request more information from a member of our highly trained clinic staff (eclinic@savikalpa.com).
We pride ourselves on being one of India’s most qualified sources of fast, friendly, and professional access to cannabinoid medicine online!
Interested in learning more? Send us your questions (eclinic@savikalpa.com). It is our mission to educate patients in any way we can, and we would be delighted to hear from you.
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