Promote health and healing through cannabinoid medicine, better nutrition, holistic living, and personalised care.

Savikalpa Virtual Clinic
Oral cannabinoid medicines must be taken under medical supervision, to ensure effective treatment outcomes and to minimise adverse events.
As cannabis medicine in clinical practice is nascent in India, Savikalpa offers patients and healthcare practitioners a virtual clinic platform dedicated to cannabinoid treatment, ensuring a high standard of care and guided treatment. Our doctors have access to the latest research and clinical practice data collated from Savikalpa’s global network of cannabis physicians to inform their practice.
Find out if cannabis medicine is the right pathway for you or for a loved one.
Cannabis Science + Ayurveda
India’s traditional systems of medicine such as Ayurveda have recognised and recorded the beneficial properties of cannabis since ancient times. Nearly 200 classical formulations using cannabis are recorded in Ayurveda’s reference texts. Savikalpa takes inspiration from India’s traditional use of cannabis to create novel formulations for the health and wellness needs of the 21st century.
Cannabis is a registered therapeutic ingredient in the Indian and Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeias, and India has the oldest medical cannabis regime in the world.

Unlocking the Power of Cannabis Medicine
Savikalpa Sciences is a research-first organisation. We are partnering with leading clinical research organisations and academic institutions to deepen cannabinoid research, with a view to establishing India as the fulcrum of global cannabis medicine.
We believe India has the necessary ecosystem - scientists, researchers, doctors and a large patient population - to establish global leadership in this emerging sphere of medicine.