Cannabis as a Medicine for Diabetes Management

December 23, 2022
Cannabis helps balance blood sugar, manage insulin sensitivity & relieve pain in diabetic patients.
Despite conflicting research, there is evidence supporting cannabis' protective action against diabetes management with cannabis oil. Read on to learn about the current guidelines from medical organizations for diabetes prevention with CBD and other cannabinoids.
Discussing Cannabis for Diabetes
It is always important to discuss one’s full medical history with your healthcare provider before beginning any new form of medical treatment or procedure, including the benefits of cannabis for diabetes. This allows your doctor to screen for any potential risk factors, complications, or side effects that are commonly linked to certain conditions.
In the case of diabetes, it is currently not common for healthcare providers specializing in the potential benefits of cannabis for diabetes to screen for diabetes in the way they would commonly screen and/or caution patients regarding risk factors such as a history of schizophrenia or heart disease.
The relationship between cannabis medicine and diabetes is an area that still requires extensive research. However, there have been some clinical studies on the subject to go along with a significant level of anecdotal evidence for diabetes prevention with CBD or other cannabinoids. While some of the existing data is contradictory, clinical research has been able to identify a number of potential benefits as well as reasons for diabetic patients to take extra precautions when consuming cannabis medicine products.
Despite the lack of a robust body of research regarding cannabis and diabetes, current anecdotal and clinical evidence suggests that the benefits of cannabis for diabetes may have either a positive or neutral effect when consumed by patients with diabetes.
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a role in how the body regulates food intake and body weight. Studies have shown that individuals who consume cannabis have lower rates of obesity than those who have never consumed cannabis, as well as lower rates of diabetes. Research has also shown an association between cannabis consumption and smaller waists circumferences, lower fasting insulin levels, and lower HOMA-IR for diabetes management with cannabis oil.
Cannabis medicine that is cannabidiol (CBD) dominant can also potentially help prevent and/or treat arterial inflammation, peripheral neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy, and gastrointestinal pain/cramping.
In jurisdictions where patients have easy access to cannabis and hemp products for diabetes prevention with CBD or other cannabinoids, it has become common for diabetic patients (relying largely on anecdotal evidence) to self-medicate using cannabinoid medicine for:
- Stabilizing/controlling blood sugar levels
- Increased insulin sensitivity
- Maintaining a healthy body weight
- Neuropathic pain relief
- Nerve inflammation prevention
- Reducing arterial inflammation
- Improved circulation via vasodilation
- Lowering blood pressure
- Muscle cramp relief
- Controlling restless leg syndrome
- Preventing diabetic retinopathy
- Limiting gastrointestinal pain/cramping
- Depression
- Improved sleep quality
Studies suggest that a variety of cannabinoids found in cannabis medicine, including diabetes prevention with CBD, can potentially offer differing benefits and/or treatment options for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Cannabidiol (CBD)
Potential to:
- Reduce hyperglycemia and control blood sugar
- Prevent/limit inflammation
- Reduce neuropathic pain
- Decrease oxidative stress
- Limit vascular hyperpermeability
- Increase insulin production
- Reduce cholesterol levels
- Prevent diabetic retinopathy
Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Potential to:
- Improve insulin production
- Relieve neuropathic pain
- Reduce fasting plasma glucose
- Elevate adiponectin levels
Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THC-V)
Potential to:
- Reduce fasting plasma glucose
- Increase adiponectin levels
- Increase apolipoprotein A levels
- Improve pancreatic β-cell function
Significantly more clinical research is still needed to properly establish any potential benefits of diabetes management with cannabis oil. However, there is enough evidence to suggest the possibility that cannabis medicine could prove to be more effective in managing diabetes than current medication commonly used for treating diabetes.
Apart from the benefits of cannabis for diabetes, studies have identified several risk factors regarding cannabis use for diabetes. However, these factors are most commonly associated with the recreational use of cannabis products impairing a patients’ ability for effective self-management of diabetes. Those consuming a high dosage of THC resulting in feelings of euphoria or being ‘high’, may also experience an impaired ability to consistently make good choices for diabetes management with cannabis oil.
This impairment can lead to:
- Inadequate monitoring of blood sugar and ketone levels
- Irregular use of prescribed medications
- Increased appetite
- High caloric intake
- Increased consumption of carbohydrates
- Acute blood pressure increase
- Changes in levels of physical activity
- Decreased triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
- Failure to properly identify symptoms of low blood sugar
This potential for impaired self-management for diabetes management with cannabis has been shown to double the likelihood of type 1 diabetes patients experiencing diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). DKA is the result of excess ketone production in the body causing one’s blood to become acidic. Individuals consuming recreational cannabis and/or a regular high dosage of THC-dominant cannabis products should discuss the risks of DKA with their healthcare provider, and increase the frequency of checking blood sugar and ketone levels.
An additional risk factor for DKA in type 1 diabetes patients is the potential for experiencing cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS). While CHS is a rare condition linked to daily long-term consumption of high dose cannabis products, it can cause severe bouts of vomiting resulting in dehydration and increased ketone levels, affecting diabetes management with cannabis oil. Failure to properly treat DKA can result in severe dehydration, brain swelling, and even death, emphasizing the benefits of cannabis for diabetes.
Beyond the potential impacts of impairment on self-management behaviours, research has also indicated a potential increased risk for:
- Myocardial infarction
- Arterial occlusion
- Renal disease
Additionally, the regular consumption of cannabis in young adults, despite the benefits of cannabis for diabetes, is linked to an increased risk of prediabetes later in life, however, this is not currently linked to an increased risk of developing diabetes.
Organizations such as Diabetes Canada have prepared some basic guidance based on the evidence available in order to assist doctors, educators, and social safety awareness advocates in their goals of better educating and cautioning those living with diabetes, including the potential for diabetes management with cannabis oil and other cannabis medicines.
For patients with type 2 diabetes who are able to maintain their target glucose levels and who currently practice healthy behaviors (eating right, checking levels/taking medications regularly), the primary concern is to ensure that when using cannabis products, patients are able to continue to practice good behaviors, taking only the benefits of cannabis for diabetes. While there is evidence that cannabis use can help in stabilizing blood sugar levels, recreational use of cannabis has been linked to diabetic patients overeating and forgetting to check their levels and/or take their medications, impacting effective diabetes management with cannabis oil or other cannabis medicines. Thus, it is prudent to caution and educate patients on maintaining healthy habits, even if they are unlikely to experience euphoria or feel ‘high’ when using a proper dosage of a cannabis medicine product.
Diabetes Canada also recommends that recreational cannabis users with type 1 diabetes should be made aware of all potential risk factors and advised to check their blood sugar and ketone levels more frequently than usual to ensure the best for diabetes prevention with CBD or other cannabinoids.
To begin your cannabis medicine journey today, book an appointment now with the Savikalpa Virtual Clinic for an online doctor consultation, or request more information from a member of our highly trained clinic staff (
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Research regarding cannabis and Diabetes:
- The Role of Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Diabetes
- Cannabis Use as Risk or Protection for Type 2 Diabetes: A Longitudinal Study of 18 000 Swedish Men and Women
- Cannabis Smoking and Diabetes Mellitus: Results from Meta-Analysis with Eight Independent Replication Samples
- Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol and Tetrahydrocannabivarin on Glycemic and Lipid Parameters in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group Pilot Study
- The Impact of Marijuana Use on Glucose, Insulin, and Insulin Resistance among US Adults
- Obesity and Cannabis Use: Results From 2 Representative National Surveys
- Beneficial effects of a Cannabis sativa extract treatment on diabetes-induced neuropathy and oxidative stress
- Randomized Placebo-Controlled Double-Blind Clinical Trial of Cannabis-Based Medicinal Product (Sativex) in Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: Depression is a major confounding factor
- A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel group study of THC/CBD spray in peripheral neuropathic pain treatment
- Neuroprotective and blood-retinal barrier-preserving effects of cannabidiol in experimental diabetes
- Cannabis use does not impact on type 2 diabetes: A two-sample Mendelian randomization study
- Decreased prevalence of diabetes in marijuana users: cross-sectional data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) III
- The effects of recreational cannabis use on glycemic outcomes and self-management behaviours in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: a rapid review
- Cannabis Use Is Associated With Increased Risk for Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Findings From the T1D Exchange Clinic Registry
- An Unusual Cause of Recurrent Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Type 1 Diabetes
- Marijuana use, diet, body mass index, and cardiovascular risk factors
- The relationship between cannabis use and diabetes: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions III
- Marijuana Use and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: a Review
- Marijuana use and risk of prediabetes and diabetes by middle adulthood: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study
- Cannabis use prevalence among individuals with diabetes: The National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2005-2018
- Diabetes Canada Position Statement on Recreational Cannabis Use in Adults and Adolescents With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
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